Join us on October 3rd in Nashville, TN for the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Nashville Chapter’s annual conference. This year’s topic is Fraud Risk Management.
Continue ReadingWhat exactly is a Fraud Audit?
Many of you may have heard of the term “fraud audit” or maybe you heard someone talking about a “forensic audit”, but what is it? In this video, we examine 6 distinctions between an audit and an investigation to answer that very question.
Continue ReadingIs Your Fraud Risk Register Complete
(2:43)Is your fraud risk register complete? Do you have 50 asset misappropriation fraud schemes? Do you have 16 corruption fraud schemes? Do you currently have 46 fraudulent statement schemes in your fraud risk register? That’s right… There are 112 core fraud schemes in total! Did you know most fraud risk registers are missing the number one way fraudsters manipulate earnings to commit financial statement fraud? … Schedule a free strategy session today and we will help you enhance your fraud risk register for a more comprehensive fraud management strategy. Schedule a Strategy Session FraudCast Episode on YouTubeYouTube link:
Continue ReadingAre you supervising or leading?
(42:54)Hi, I’m Alexis C Bell. Join me on this episode of FraudCast as I talk with Sergeant Bruce Crumpler about “Are you supervising or leading?” as part of our leadership series. We get answers to questions such as:* How important is leadership in any group or organization? * What is meant by “Servant Leadership”?* What qualities make a good leader?* What style of leadership seems to get the most results?* What are some of the things you do to inspire people?* What are some challenges associated with practicing this kind of leadership?* What role does respect play in standout leadership?* How does this apply to interviewing? * and much more…… Read More
Continue ReadingNew COSO Guidance
There is new guidance just released on fraud risk management for COSO principle 8 and the full COSO framework. [Excerpt from the ACFE Forum] We are excited to announce the publication of the new Fraud Risk Management Guide, a resource jointly sponsored by COSO and the ACFE. This guide is an update to the previously released ACFE/IIA/AICPA publication, Managing the Business Risk of Fraud, and is designed to build on both COSO principle 8 and the full COSO Internal Control–Integrated Framework as a foundation for a comprehensive fraud risk management program. The Executive Summary of the guide is attached to this post. We’ve also created a website ( that provides interactive tools and other resources… Read More
Continue ReadingCell Phone Forensics
Your company can benefit from the new technology advances in cell phone forensics. Watch this short video for just a few of the ways cell phone forensics can help you with your fraud management program.
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