Press ReleaseAlexis C. Bell, CEO of Fraud Doctor, has been elected as the global Chair for the Board of Regents of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). “It is truly an honor to have been elected as the Chair by fellow board members after being elected to the Board of Regents by my colleagues. First, I want to acknowledge my predecessor Chairs for their achievements and commit myself to continuing their good work. The previous Chairs, the dedicated ACFE staff, and antifraud professionals around the globe have worked tirelessly towards a common goal of reducing the incidence of fraud and white-collar crime. I consider it an honor to be working… Read More
Continue ReadingPresenting International Investigations at the ACFE Conference in Toronto, Canada
Presenting at the ACFE Fraud Conference in Toronto, CanadaAdhering to best practices in planning and conducting investigations is always crucial, but certain factors—such as team considerations, security, travel, and legal and regulatory issues—require additional attention when investigations span multiple jurisdictions. In this session, participants will discuss critical steps in the planning stage of international investigations that are often overlooked. Additionally, they will also explore a framework to chronologically walk through the best practices of conducting international investigations. You Will Learn How To:Implement best practices in planning and conducting international investigationsOvercome common challenges in international investigationsLevel: Intermediate Recommended Prerequisite: Basic knowledge about the steps in a fraud examination Field of Study: Specialized… Read More
Continue ReadingFighting Fraud Through Diversity – Girl Power on the Board
With all of the leadership articles advocating the need for more women to serve on boards and the inherent benefits of diversity, I’d like to highlight the continued progress that the leadership and membership of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) has made in electing four diverse women to their Board of Regents (international board of directors) this year. Collectively, these ladies represent government service, private industry, and consulting. Each of them inspire me personally both in the work that they do and most importantly for how they show up in the world. It is a sincere honor to serve with these amazing women fraud fighters and to be… Read More
Continue ReadingACFE Board of Regents (2017-2018)
Board of Regents The Board of Regents is elected by the certified members of ACFE. They are responsible for setting membership standards that promote professionalism and ensure the future of the organization as a whole. The Regents have sole authority over the admission of members, including but not limited to examination standards. They also establish continuing professional education requirements, and are responsible for establishing, modifying and enforcing the CFE Code of Professional Ethics as well as all other matters necessary to maintain the high standards of the ACFE. Elections are held annually to fill vacant positions. All Regents elected shall serve two-year terms and hold office until their successors are… Read More
Continue ReadingACFE Board of Regents Nomination
I would like to thank the nomination committee members at the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) in selecting me to the short list of candidates for the 2017-2018 Board of Regents election. The Board of Regents is responsible for setting membership standards that promote professionalism and ensure the future of the organization as a whole. Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) will have an opportunity to vote during the election period between November 1 and December 31, 2016. Information about the voting process will be available in an upcoming edition of Fraud Magazine (November/December). I would consider it an honor to have the opportunity to provide a voice and direction for the global… Read More
Continue ReadingNew COSO Guidance
There is new guidance just released on fraud risk management for COSO principle 8 and the full COSO framework. [Excerpt from the ACFE Forum] We are excited to announce the publication of the new Fraud Risk Management Guide, a resource jointly sponsored by COSO and the ACFE. This guide is an update to the previously released ACFE/IIA/AICPA publication, Managing the Business Risk of Fraud, and is designed to build on both COSO principle 8 and the full COSO Internal Control–Integrated Framework as a foundation for a comprehensive fraud risk management program. The Executive Summary of the guide is attached to this post. We’ve also created a website ( that provides interactive tools and other resources… Read More
Continue Reading2016 ACFE Report to the Nations
DOWNLOAD the Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse: 2016 Global Fraud Study by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).
Continue ReadingTaxonomy of Fraud in Microfinance
Taxonomy of Fraud in Microfinance Background One of the challenges we face in the antifraud industry is the lack of congruity between various thought leaders in how we define fraud and its many schemes. Each industry group or academic expert added great value to the advancement of the antifraud field. However, while every new distinction created a little more clarity, they all seemed to be inputs into a larger equation of the dynamic nature of what we face on a daily basis. In an effort to create a standardized fraud classification system that would apply across all fraud schemes, the Framework for a Taxonomy of Fraud was published by the… Read More
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ACFE Anti-Fraud Resource Guide 2015
I’m quoted on page 1 of the special edition Anti-Fraud Resource Guide published by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). See our latest report service: Personalized Statistical Fraud Risk Report
Continue ReadingFraud Magazine
The January/February 2014 edition of Fraud Magazine was just released. I am quoted on page 63 as an excerpt from an interview I gave in Las Vegas, NV at the annual ACFE conference this past June.
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