Fraud Doctor

Mortgage Fraud

The following are companion documents and images for the book entitled Mortgage Fraud and the Illegal Property Flipping Scheme: A Case Study of United States v. Quintero-Lopez.


Mortgage fraud has been described as “a form of bank robbery where the bank is not even aware it has been robbed until months or years later.” Within the United States, an estimated $14 billion (0.66% of all loans) in fraudulent loans were originated in 2009 alone. In United States v. Quintero-Lopez, 15 defendants were indicted on 70 counts in the Southern District of Florida for a mortgage fraud scheme involving 16 fraudulent loans totaling $6 million in disbursements. This case study examines over 3 ½ years of activity, incorporates a detailed risk assessment and highlights best practices for prevention, detection, and investigation. The methodology of the scheme is detailed in a process flowchart, link analysis, and timeline of events.

ORDER the Paperback Book


For a detailed process flowchart of the fraud scheme specific to United States v. Quintero-Lopez (2007):

DOWNLOAD Process Flowchart (PDF): 206 KB


Using Analyst’s Notebook software, the following was created for United States v. Quintero-Lopez (2007):

DOWNLOAD Link analysis (PNG image): 2.63 MB


Using Analyst’s Notebook software, the following were created for United States v. Quintero-Lopez (2007):

DOWNLOAD House 1(a) through 4(d): (PNG image) 2.63 MB
DOWNLOAD House 5(e) through 8(h): (PNG image) 2.59 MB


United States v. Quintero-Lopez (2007)

Case No 07-60207-CR-ZLOCH
Indictment dated August 30, 2007

DOWNLOAD Indictment: (PDF) 1.18 MB

 Get your copy of the paperback book today: Mortgage Fraud and the Illegal Property Flipping Scheme: A Case Study of United States v. Quintero-Lopez.

Also see our latest report service: Personalized Statistical Fraud Risk Report

Report Service: Personalized Statistical Fraud Risk Report