Fraud Doctor

Presenting International Investigations at the ACFE Conference in Toronto, Canada

Presenting at the ACFE Fraud Conference in Toronto, Canada

Adhering to best practices in planning and conducting investigations is always crucial, but certain factors—such as team considerations, security, travel, and legal and regulatory issues—require additional attention when investigations span multiple jurisdictions. In this session, participants will discuss critical steps in the planning stage of international investigations that are often overlooked. Additionally, they will also explore a framework to chronologically walk through the best practices of conducting international investigations.

You Will Learn How To:

  • Implement best practices in planning and conducting international investigations
  • Overcome common challenges in international investigations

Level: Intermediate
Recommended Prerequisite: Basic knowledge about the steps in a fraud examination
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge and Applications

Adhering to best practices in planning and conducting investigations is always crucial, but certain factors—such as team considerations, security, travel, and legal and regulatory issues—require additional attention when investigations span multiple jurisdictions. In this session, participants will discuss critical steps in the planning stage of international investigations that are often overlooked. Additionally, they will also explore a framework to chronologically walk through the best practices of conducting international investigations.

You Will Learn How To:

  • Implement best practices in planning and conducting international investigations
  • Overcome common challenges in international investigations

Level: Intermediate
Recommended Prerequisite: Basic knowledge about the steps in a fraud examination
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge and Applications

My research paper Investigative Challenges of Fraud in Microfinance Institutions has been selected for presentation during the American Society of Criminology (ASC) annual conference in Philadelphia, PA. It is a great honor to have my research included in such a conference. I am grateful for the opportunity. This paper is the culmination of pioneer research as it is the first time the topic has been covered in an academic setting by any college or university. It is my hope that the presentation will highlight not only the findings critical to microfinance institutions and the broader community of businesses and aid foundations operating in developing countries, but perhaps more importantly to spark interest in much needed future research through the considerations provided.

Presentation details

The 2017 annual meeting will take place on October 29 through November 1, 2017 in Toronto, Canada at the Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre

7C Steps in International Investigations: Best Practices for Finding and Maintaining Evidence

Tuesday, October 31st

10:10am to 11:30am



The 2017 annual meeting will take place on November 15 - 18, 2017 in Philadelphia, PA USA at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. The theme for the meeting is Crime, Legitimacy, and Reform: Fifty Years after the President's Commission

The paper will be presented at the following session:


Fraud Doctor hashtag #FraudDoctor

Event hashtag #fraudconf

#FraudDr presenting International Investigations | ACFE Toronto, Canada Oct 31st 10:10am #fraudconf @TheACFE @FraudDr #FraudDoctor

#FraudDr presenting research | American Society of Criminology Philadelphia Marriott Nov 17th 8am Franklin 6, 4th Floor #ASCPhilly @FraudDr
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Bell, A. (2017, April). Investigative Challenges of Fraud in Microfinance Institutions. Ann Arbor, MI:
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. Retrieved from
Globally, two billion people suffer from financial exclusion including 90% of the population in least
developed countries. The microfinance industry with over $60 billion in assets was created to address the
institutional void within the financial market found in at least 168 countries. There is a fundamental lack
of existing empirical research on the topic of investigative challenges of fraud in microfinance. The data
collection methodology was a systematic review of existing academic documents. Key terms were
defined to create a uniform approach to industry-specific verbiage in microfinance. It was established that
investigators work in dangerous environments, operate amongst complex legal issues, contend with
limitations in infrastructure, with inadequate training inside an organizational structure that does not
optimally support their role. Recommendations and future research considerations were provided
regarding the antifraud program, security protocols, client education, cooperation, collaborative
databases, power outages and surge protection, transportation needs, training and development, and
organizational structure. Microfinance institutions play a critical role in helping the world’s poor meet
their basic needs. When acted upon, these recommendations will make a positive impact on their efforts
towards poverty alleviation.
Keywords: Financial Crime and Compliance Management, Dr. Kyung-Seok Choo, financial inclusion,
developing countries, Islamic microfinance