Fraud Doctor

CFEs Elect Two New Regents

The ACFE is proud to announce that Alexis C. Bell, CFE, PI, and Vidya Rajarao, CFE, CA, have been elected to the 2017-2018 ACFE Board of Regents. Fellow CFEs elected them from a list of six candidates selected by the Board’s nomination committee. Bell and Rajarao will take office at the Board’s meeting in February at ACFE headquarters in Austin, Texas.

Alexis C. Bell, CFE, PI
Fraud Doctor LLC
Charlotte, North Carolina
Alexis C. Bell, CFE, PI, is the CEO and founder of Fraud Doctor LLC, which provides proprietary antifraud products and services. She’s a graduate of Cornell University, completed her fellowship at Dartmouth and authored the books, “Data Analysis for Corporate Fraud Risk” and “Mortgage Fraud & the Illegal Property Flipping Scheme.”

Bell successfully led the design and implementation of the initial global antifraud program for a European public conglomerate. She then pioneered the first comprehensive microfinance fraud risk management program for another firm, which covered 22 post/active conflict-developing countries in the greater Middle East, Eurasia, Latin America and Africa. Both initiatives encompassed governance, fraud awareness training, fraud risk assessments, data analysis, investigations and communication strategies.

Bell is a former board president of the Charlotte ACFE Chapter. She is active in the domestic and international antifraud communities by speaking at conferences and delivering specialized training. She says that she also produces a video podcast series — FraudCast — that connects antifraud thought leaders to more than 3,600 global followers.

Wherever she’s traveled, Bell says she’s been consistently inspired by the passion of local fraud fighters. These experiences motivated her to return alone to Afghanistan this past year to help advance their antifraud field.

Vidya Rajarao, CFE, CA
Grant Thornton, India LLP
Bangalore, India
Vidya Rajarao, CFE, CA, is a chartered accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India since 1996 and a Certified Fraud Examiner since 2004. She has substantial investigative, forensic and risk consulting experience in the U.S. and India. Rajarao has led and conducted investigations, regulatory proceedings and fraud risk assessments at companies in technology, consumer products, oil and gas, banking, insurance, retail and pharmaceutical/life sciences industry.

Rajarao has testified as an expert witness in several domestic and international arbitrations and was the sole nominee from India in the International Who’s Who of Arbitration Expert Witnesses 2014.

At Grant Thornton, in addition to her role as national leader for forensic and investigation services in India and the sub-continent, Rajarao is also a member of the firm’s global forensic steering committee that establishes the strategy related to forensic services, education and training, managing risk and improving brand visibility.

Rajarao is an active member of the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) National Council for Corporate Fraud & Internal Audit, India; the Anti-Corruption Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in India; the ACFE Chapters in Bangalore and Chennai, India; the Institute of Internal Auditors Chapter in Bangalore, India; and the ISACA Chennai Chapter.

Reposted from: (2017, January 18) The Fraud Examiner [online newsletter]. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Austin, TX: ACFE. Full article retrieved from,…