Fraud Risk Assessment

Specializing in antifraud for INSIDER THREAT & FRAUD MANAGEMENT. The first step in effective fraud management is the Fraud Risk Assessment. It provides much more than the inputs required for a risk-based annual audit plan. The results of the evaluation begin the process to allow for the determination of risk appetite, tolerance levels (+/- %), key risk indicators (KRIs), identification of anomalies, and the development of predefined management actions and communication strategy in response to exception reporting. Benefits of the fraud risk assessment include: Visibility into the organization’s fraud risk; Understanding of the risks by department and scheme; Prioritize antifraud efforts and allocate resources effectively by focusing on the risks… Read More

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New Benford’s Law Model

We have developed a new model for Benford’s Law analysis. You can analyze naturally occurring numbers (e.g. transaction level data) to see if the actual distributions conform to Benford’s Law. Under certain conditions, deviations from Benford’s could indicate the possibility of human manipulation, i.e. fraud. Therefore, those results would require additional scrutiny. This analysis provides a direction of inquiry. This is a model for Benford’s Law analysis built in MS Excel which calculates graphical and tabular results for the following tests:

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Training in Tanzania, Africa

I had the pleasure of teaching a three and a half day antifraud seminar at the Serena resort in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Africa. Participants included C-Suite, management from Legal, Banking Services, Internal Controls, and Global Corporate Audit departments from many countries across the continent. Topics included:

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