Fraud Doctor

ACFE Board of Regents Nomination

I would like to thank the nomination committee members at the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) in selecting me to the short list of candidates for the 2017-2018 Board of Regents election. The Board of Regents is responsible for setting membership standards that promote professionalism and ensure the future of the organization as a whole. Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) will have an opportunity to vote during the election period between November 1 and December 31, 2016. Information about the voting process will be available in an upcoming edition of Fraud Magazine (November/December).

I would consider it an honor to have the opportunity to provide a voice and direction for the global membership while serving where needed. As you review this year’s nominees, if you feel I would be a worthy Regent I would greatly appreciate your support and endorsement.


Alexis C. Bell, CFE, PI, is the CEO and founder of Fraud Doctor LLC, which provides proprietary anti-fraud products and services. She’s a graduate of Cornell University, completed her fellowship at Dartmouth and authored the books, “Data Analysis for Corporate Fraud Risk” and “Mortgage Fraud & the Illegal Property Flipping Scheme.”

Bell successfully led the design and implementation of the initial global anti-fraud program for a European public conglomerate. She then pioneered the first comprehensive microfinance fraud risk management program for another firm, which covered 22 post/active conflict developing countries in the greater Middle East, Eurasia, Latin America and Africa. Both initiatives encompassed governance, fraud awareness training, fraud risk assessments, data analysis, investigations and communication strategies.

Bell is a former board president of the Charlotte ACFE Chapter. She’s active in the domestic and international anti-fraud communities by speaking at conferences and delivering specialized training. She says that she also produces a video podcast series — FraudCast — that connects anti-fraud thought leaders to more than 3,600 global followers. Wherever she’s traveled, Bell says she’s been consistently inspired by the passion of local fraud fighters. These experiences motivated her to return alone to Afghanistan this past year to help advance its anti-fraud field.

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Thank you for a fun and exciting day at the studio. I’m incredibly grateful to you both for your artistry in transforming the brainiac into a butterfly.